Macro-Dev Study Group (MDSG)
Since 2023 I run the MDSG, a forum to discuss frontier research in Macroeconomic Development, i.e. Macro-Dev.
We are an eclectic group with interests ranging from environmental policy, political economy, agricultural productivity, labor market to firm growth. The common denominator is the interest in developing economies and the value of structural (macro) models to evaluate counterfactual scenarios and GE effects.
STEG Data in Macro-Development Virtual Course
Lecture 5: Data in Agriculture
STEG Macro-Development Virtual Course
Lecture 2: Income Accounting
Github repo
Industry Dynamics (PhD field course)
Syllabus Spring 2020
Class I: Numerical methods.
Application, by Haimeng Zhang
Practice exercise
Class II: Entrepreneurship and occupational choice,
and financial frictions.
Homework I
Class III: Entry, exit and firms' life cycle.
Class IV: Production function estimation and productivity decomposition.
Homework II
Class V: Firm dynamics in open economy, and the role of geography.
Class VI: Endogenous productivity choice, stationary economy - with long run growth.
Class VII: Misallocation, static.
Class VIII-IX: Misallocation, dynamic.
Class X-XI: Labor market misallocation, technology and occupations.
Class XII: Technology and skill allocations.
Class XIII: Transitions and skill allocation.
Class XIV: Plants in Space.
Class I: Numerical methods.
Application, by Haimeng Zhang
Practice exercise
Class II: Entrepreneurship and occupational choice,
and financial frictions.
Homework I
Class III: Entry, exit and firms' life cycle.
Class IV: Production function estimation and productivity decomposition.
Homework II
Class V: Firm dynamics in open economy, and the role of geography.
Class VI: Endogenous productivity choice, stationary economy - with long run growth.
Class VII: Misallocation, static.
Class VIII-IX: Misallocation, dynamic.
Class X-XI: Labor market misallocation, technology and occupations.
Class XII: Technology and skill allocations.
Class XIII: Transitions and skill allocation.
Class XIV: Plants in Space.
Macroeconomics (PhD core)
Syllabus Spring 2025
Discrete time
Class I: One sector growth model, review
Class II: One sector growth model, recursive representation & mapping to the data.
Class III-IV: Competitive equilibrium, taxation.
Class IV-V: Overlapping generations model, overaccumulation and social security
Class VI: Income and preference heterogeneity, aggregation
Class VII: Incomplete markets, Bewley economies
Class VII-VIII: Computation, heterogeneous agents with incomplete markets
Continuous time
Class IX-X: Long run growth
Class X: Human capital and the life-cycle (Ben Porath)
Class XI-XII: Endogenous growth
Class XIII: Horizontal innovation models
Syllabus Fall 2023
*Spring 2025 eliminates the discussion of optimization and the dynamics of the 1-sector growth model and discusses benchmark OLG.
Class I: Dynamic optimization (Kuhn-Tucker theorem). Welfare theorems.
Class II: One sector growth model, steady state
Discrete time
Class I: One sector growth model, review
Class II: One sector growth model, recursive representation & mapping to the data.
Class III-IV: Competitive equilibrium, taxation.
Class IV-V: Overlapping generations model, overaccumulation and social security
Class VI: Income and preference heterogeneity, aggregation
Class VII: Incomplete markets, Bewley economies
Class VII-VIII: Computation, heterogeneous agents with incomplete markets
Continuous time
Class IX-X: Long run growth
Class X: Human capital and the life-cycle (Ben Porath)
Class XI-XII: Endogenous growth
Class XIII: Horizontal innovation models
Syllabus Fall 2023
*Spring 2025 eliminates the discussion of optimization and the dynamics of the 1-sector growth model and discusses benchmark OLG.
Class I: Dynamic optimization (Kuhn-Tucker theorem). Welfare theorems.
Class II: One sector growth model, steady state